「日本における移民の子どもの親の収容と精神的社会的ウェルビーイング」 | 難民研究フォーラム REFUGEE STUDIES FORUM


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論文(英語)はこちらよりご覧ください。 https://doi.org/10.35772/ghm.2020.01101

Parental detention and psychosocial wellbeing of migrant children in Japan
市川政雄 Masao Ichikawa(筑波大学 医学医療系 教授)

近年、わが国では入国管理政策が強化されている(収容の長期化、仮放免の減少)。本研究では、非正規滞在者家族を対象に、親の日本での収容経験の有無によって、子どもの「心の健康度」に違いがあるかを検証した。対象者には2020年6~7月にNGOを通して質問紙への回答を依頼した。「心の健康度」はStrength and Difficulties Questionnaire*を用いて測定した。回答に応じた49家族(そのうち28家族に親の収容経験あり)の4~17歳の子ども85人を分析の対象にした。分析の結果、親に収容経験がある家族の子どもは(ない家族の子どもと比べて)「心の健康度」が低く、とくに「情緒」に大きな違いが見られた。わが国の入国管理政策は子どもの健康や福祉に一層の配慮を要する。

*Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire(子どもの強さと困難さアンケート)

Immigration policies in Japan and elsewhere have been toughened in recent years. To investigate the potential effects of parental detention on migrant children, psychosocial wellbeing of children from migrant families with and without parental detention was compared. In this cross-sectional study, adult asylum seekers and migrant workers with children staying in Japan were invited through non-governmental organizations to answer a self-administered anonymous questionnaire in June and July 2020. Children’s psychosocial wellbeing was assessed based on the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire. In the 49 participating families, including 28 where either parent had ever been detained in Japan, there were 85 children aged 4-17 years who were subject to the analyses. Psychosocial wellbeing of children in families with parental detention appeared to be worse than that of their counterparts, especially on the dimension of emotional problems. More attention should be paid to the wellbeing of migrant children in Japan’s immigration policy.

Global Health and Medicine, 2021
