Refugee Studies Journal Issue 1

The very first Refugee Studies Journal was issued in October 2011,
featuring articles on “Third-Country Resettlement”.
(Articles are in Japanese)
Please see below for the Table of Contents.

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Table of Contents
Feature Articles: Third Country Resettlement
Theoretical Considerations over the Resettlement of Refugees Raised Through Japan’s Acceptance of Indo-Chinese Refugees
Hiroshi Homma
Refugee Resettlement Revisited: Inter-Relationships Between Protection, Durable Solutions and Burden-Sharing
Koichi Koizumi
Has Japan Changed?: A Consideration of Japan’s Resettlement Programme
Katsunori Koike
Overview of Global Resettlement and Current Challenges
Yukiko Iriyama
Senior Resettlement Officer
Division of International Protection
UNHCR Headquarters
*This contribution does not necessarily reflect the views of UNHCR
The original article in English is available here.
Research Report on Burmese Refugees at Mae La Refugee Camp in Thailand: Their Present Situation and Perceptions on Resettlement
Kanako Matsuoka
Refugee Resettlement Issues in Japan
Eri Ishikawa
Invited Articles
Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement and the International Protection of Internally Displaced Persons
Kei Hakata
Social Group Work Practice with Refugee Applicants who do not have their Own Ethnic Communities
Yasufumi Moritani
Case Law Situation in Japan, 2010/ Case Law Commentary Overseas / Refugee Trend Analysis in Japan, 2010 / Refugee Trend Analysis Overseas, 2010 / Literature Introduction: Japanese / Literature introduction: English / Bibliographic List in Japan 2009, 2010
Special Column
What Links Refugees and the Disaster-affected Areas: Messages from the Tohoku Earthquake to “Refugee Studies”
The Refugee Studies Forum Editorial Team

The Refugee Studies Forum was established in 2010, aiming to undertake interdisciplinary research that focuses upon domestic and international refugee situations and policies, the results of which will be shared among and utilized by various stakeholders to improve the lives and situations of refugees.
To find out more, view our Booklet below.
